When a user loses some important information, he or she tends to panic. The role of the help desk is to give the user the available options to recover the data. Some people think that once files go to the Recycle Bin, they are gone forever. However, if the files are not in the Bin, the next option is to advise the user not to use the drive until the data is restored.
A user being unable to login to the company system is a common IT support issues. The user might have left the Caps Lock button on; therefore, his or her password does not match. However, some users are kicked out of the system due to inactivity. You may notice that some employees in an organization are always busy on social media instead of working. Such people are knocked out of the system and need to explain their case to the employers
Most users do not take time to read what is written on the blue screen of death. Your IT help desk should have a section designated for dealing with the blue screen of death issues. As a result, so much time can be saved, and employees can be productive.
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