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How does a professional email copywriter/writer make money?

How does a professional email copywriter/writer make money?

Email is now available to almost everyone on the planet. According to the Ghostwriting Service Email Statistics Report, 269 billion emails are sent each day. And I can't think of a company that doesn't use it as a marketing channel in some way.

This equates to over 11 billion emails sent every hour.

That's a lot of junk in your inbox!

Nonetheless, two things are happening: 

• Despite the introduction of new communication methods such as texting, social media, video chatting, instant messaging, and others, that number is increasing.

• All success indicators, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, indicate that email marketing remains strong.

Eighty-one percent of businesses in the United States believe email marketing helps them gain new customers, while 80 percent believe it helps them retain existing customers.

In layman's terms, this means that businesses use email to GET and KEEP customers. Both are critical to a company's success.

Because of all of this email contact professional book writers, there is a steady demand for email writers.

Here are some ways to earn money as an email copywriter.

• Follow-up on Lead Generation.

• An email funnel.

• Onboarding Sequence Following Purchase.

• Email with content.

• Email Sales Direct.

