lebeg64080's blog

Ishii Yukari writes articles and essays on horoscopes, and his "12 constellations series" (WAVE Publishing) has become a bestseller with 1.2 million copies sold. Author of many books.

Yes, Yukari Ishii is a renowned astrologer in Japan who was born in Kanagawa, Japan. She isdoing fortune-telling for a long time. If you want to get better insights into your future, you canapproach Yukari Ishii.Fortune telling is a technique, which can predict earthly events and life aspects by consideringthe positions and the orbits of the planets, sun, moon and other celestial bodies. There are somany fortune-telling techniques in use such as Horary Astrology, Astromancy, Tasseography,tarot card reading, six-star astrology, chiromancy etc. However, these are just a few fortune-telling techniques which are majorly in use, there are so many other techniques as wellpractising by various astrologers.These fortune-telling techniques have been in use since ancient times and helping millions of石井 ゆかり | シウマ 占い師 | Coinbase Login | Exodus Wallet | Metamask Sign in |
