World of Warcraft Shadowlands from wisepowder's blog

World of Warcraft is the most successful MMO ever made. That’s not an exaggeration and it’s no small feat. Blizzard has kept this (mostly) great game alive with nearly 16 years of additional content, whether that be in the form of expansions revolving around novel worlds or patches that add brand new dungeons and raids.To get more news about buy WoW Classic gold cheap, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

And soon, we’ll be getting our hands on Shadowlands, Blizzard’s upcoming effort to shift the state of the game with a handful of bold mechanics. Be sure to also check out our World of Warcraft: Shadowlands beta impressions.

For all you fellow WoW nerds out there, here’s everything you need to know about World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, including details on its release date, gameplay, zones, customization, and level squish.
At Gamescom Opening Night Live, we were given the release date for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. It was originally announced that we can expect to play Shadowlands on October 27. However, the game was delayed indefinitely and we were unsure when we'd see it again... until now.

The official World of Warcraft Twitter recently announced that Shadowlands would be coming out on November 23. This is nearly a month after its originally expected launch date. Hopefully, it doesn't get delayed again.

Furthermore, the pre-patch event is coming November 10, so be sure to hop into the game to experience a taste of what Shadowlands has to offer.One of the big changes coming to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is its addition of Covenants, which let players pledge their allegiance to a specific group in order to be rewarded with unique armor sets, special abilities, cosmetics and more. The four covenants are Kyrian (angelic guardians), Necrolords (undead necromancers), Night Fae (fairies attuned with nature) and Venthyr (gothic vampires).

One of the most exciting aspects of Covenants is that it will allow players to Soulbind specific characters within them. This system gives us access to new skill trees that provide a handful of special bonuses and abilities. These bonuses can be both combat-based or practically used within the world. A skill like "Travel with Boop" allows the player to increase their movement speed for a few minutes if they remain still for a long enough period of time.

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