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Tag search results for: "sexologist in mumbai"
riya gupta
Reasons For Excessive Nightfall |Side Effect Of Excessive Nightfall & Tips To Prevent |Dr. A. Kumar Excessive nightfall, known as nocturnal emissions, can be frustrating and embarrassing for many men. It occurs when a man ejaculates during sleep, often without realizing it.  Several potential reasons include: Frequent masturbation.Smegma accumulation on the penis.Watching pornographic content.A congested prostate gland.Even constant mattress rubbing. While excessive nightfall may not be a severe medical concern, it can c... more
riya gupta
Scabies - KayaKalp InternationalFew diseases carry so much social stigma as scabies. Scabies is an intensely itchy, contagious skin infection which mainly spreads through direct contact.  Even its name is derived from a latin word SCABEREmeaning “to scratch”. This is a highly contagious disease known by other names such as crusted scabies, Itchmite, Mite and Mange, the seven year itch and Norwegian scabies.  In Ayurveda Scabies is known as Kacchu. Dosha involvement in scabies or  Kacchu Roga is Kapha dominant / leadin... more