Top Psychological Safety from mindcelebrations's blog


Psychological safety is the absence of interpersonal fear. Feeling psychologically safe allows people to perform their best at home, school, and work. The ability to discuss learning, whether from failure, success or simply daily work, relies on psychological safety. Because psychological safety replaces silence and fear with candour and openness it is conducive to setting ambitious goals. As depicted in the figure on page psychological safety and performance standards can be seen as separate, equally important dimensions both of which affect team and organisational performance in a complex interdependent environment - psychological safety at workplace.

Managers who appreciate the appeal of error-reporting, help-seeking, and other learning behaviours may be concerned that fostering psychological safety means relaxing performance standards. The positive effects of psychological safety were greater for the immigrants than for the employees in the same company. So if culture is so important, we need to create one by design rather than by default. Most of us would agree that more diverse teams are more likely to outperform less diverse ones different perspectives, ideas and viewpoints will lead to better decisions and more creativity - psychological safety at work.

The team is giving you the benefit of doubt, giving you an environment which is safe for risk-taking, speaking your mind and challenging the status quo. I have no doubt we could have achieved so much more as a team if we had understood the importance of psychological safety.  The debates would have been more fruitful, the ideas would have been better formed and we would have made better decisions. The highest performing teams we work with have learnt to frame work as experiments.

 When have you been your most productive, creative, or innovative? Think back to a time when you really made yourself proud, and try to remember the environment you were working in. Psychological safety means feeling safe to take interpersonal risks, to speak up, to disagree openly, to surface concerns without fear of negative repercussions or pressure to sugarcoat bad news. Psychological safety nurtures an environment where people feel encouraged to share creative ideas without fear of personal judgment or stepping on toes. For more information, please visit our site

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By mindcelebrations
Added Dec 11 '24


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