What is Etchash Algorithm? from Asic Marketplace's blog

Etchash has become one of the most popular mining algorithms after it was transitioned from Ethash with a few upgrades and modifications. Because Ethereum Classic is the most valuable cryptocurrency that uses the ETChash algorithm, many miners have been interested in fighting for the available mining incentives.

In this blog, we will explore all the aspects of the Etchash algorithm.

Etchash Algorithm Explained
Etchash, a modified version of the Hashimoto dagger used by Ethereum Classic, functions similarly to Ethash, the original Ethereum. Ethereum Classic experienced a DAG reduction, and the algorithm changed from ETHash to ETChash in accordance with ECIP-1099. The only difference between the two was how the epoch influences the seed hash and DAG size. The goal was to double the epoch calculations used in the DAG calculations by calibrating the epoch duration. It was believed to significantly reduce the DAG size and slow down the DAG growth. It was applied to minimize all ECIP-1403 standards or specifications.

Read the full blog here - https://asicmarketplace.com/blog/what-is-etchash-algorithm/

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By Asic Marketplace
Added May 20



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