How to Fix QuickBooks Already Has a Company File Open Error? from Brock Thomson's blog

Whenever the user tries to open up a company file, he/she might face an issue stating “Can’t open QuickBooks. QuickBooks already has a company file open.”Due to this, the user might not able to work properly, and along with the without opening a company file no previous data can be recollected. QuickBooks already has a company file open errorcan create a lot of fuss, due to which the user needs to fix it immediately. This can be resolved by carrying out the steps listed below. 

Thus, it is important to read the post carefully. Or the user can also get in touch with our QuickBooks error support right away at 1-800-761-1787, and our experts will help you out. 

Reasons behind the QuickBooks already has a Company file open error

The user can face issues in opening the company file, due to the below factors: 

  • The company file is corrupted or damaged.

  • Or, the folder permission is not enough. 

  • The user could also face such an error if the QuickBooks company file is open. 

Steps to Fix QuickBooks Already Has A Company File Open Error

The user can get rid of the error, by carrying the below procedures. 

Method 1:Verifying the company file. 

Method 2:Updating QuickBooks desktop. 

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By Brock Thomson
Added Mar 7


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