How To Get UAE Visa For Indians. from Visits Dubai's blog

Travelers from all over the world are drawn to Dubai by its captivating fusion of modernity and history. A trip to Dubai is a dream come true for travelers from India. Nevertheless, you must obtain a tourist visa before you may discover this city's charms. We'll lead you through the procedure in this guide to get a tourist visa for Dubai so you can fulfil your travel ambitions to this beautiful Emirati city. If you are planning your visit to Dubai and searching for Dubai Tourist Visa For Indians then contact our team.

Qualification Standards

Make sure you meet the eligibility conditions for the visa of your choice before applying. In general, you'll require:

a current, valid Indian passport that is valid for at least six months.

enough money to pay for your time in Dubai.

a ticket for a confirmed return.

If applicable, a hotel reservation or a sponsor in Dubai.

Tourist Visa: This is usually the least expensive option and gives you the ability to visit Dubai for a maximum of 30 days.


96-Hour Visa: This visa allows you to spend four days exploring Dubai if you're planning a quick visit.


Visit Visa for Relatives: You can avoid paying for lodging if your family or friends in Dubai support your visit by obtaining a Visit Visa.


Multi-Entry Visa: This visa may be a more affordable option if you plan to visit the country more than once.

Schedule Your Trip During Off-Peak Times

Dubai has tourism seasons, and during certain periods, airfares and hotel rates skyrocket. Plan your vacation during off-peak seasons when costs are lower to save money. Your budget may change significantly as a result of this.

Choose to Use Public Transit

The buses and metro systems in Dubai's public transit network are reasonably priced and operate well. Getting a NOL card can further reduce the cost of your commutes. Although they can be more expensive, taxis are an option.

Keep Up With It

Keep up to date on the most recent visa requirements, financial advice, and any new rules that may impact your vacation before leaving for Dubai. Reliable resources can offer important information, such as your local embassy and the official Dubai tourism website.



In conclusion, if you carefully plan your vacation, Dubai may be an affordable location for Indian travelers. You can enjoy the splendor of Dubai on a budget without sacrificing the experience if you choose the appropriate visa, travel during off-peak seasons, and make informed decisions about lodging, transportation, and food.


Keep in mind that making the most of your trip while keeping your wallet happy requires careful planning and smart decision-making when traveling on a budget in Dubai.


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By Visits Dubai
Added Oct 14 '23



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